Vice-rector for External Relations

Associate Professor PhDr. Radomír Masaryk, PhD., CPsychol
Šafárikovo námestie 6
814 99  Bratislava 1
Tel.:+421 2 9010 9581
Mobile: +421 905 776 689 

He was born on 28 March 1977 in Bratislava. In 2000 he graduated in psychology at the Faculty of Arts of Comenius University Bratislava (FoA). In 2001 he started his doctoral study at the Faculty of Education of CU (FoE), where he successfully defended his doctorate in pedagogical psychology in 2005. He then worked at FoE as an assistant professor and researcher. Since 2013 he has worked at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences of CU, becoming associate professor there in 2019 and serving as professor since the beginning of 2023. He specialises in health psychology and marketing psychology. He is an active member of the International Society for Critical Health Psychology (ISCHP) and the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS). He is Vice-Rector of CU for external relations since February 2019.