The Comenius University Information Centre

Are you interested in studying at Comenius University or do you have questions regarding your studies? Or are you missing our comfortable university hoodie from your wardrobe?

You can find us at Štúrova 9, 811 02 Bratislava. We are also happy to answer your questions via email and phone:, (02) 9010 9986.

Opening Hours

The Comenius University Information Centre is open on weekdays: Monday from 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM, Tuesday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. If you wish to visit the Information Centre at a different time, please contact us.


You can find our online shop at For personal purchases, visit our Information Centre at Štúrova 9 in Bratislava.

Infocentrum - Comeniana Centre

On the pages of the Information Centre CU, you will find information about support services at Comenius University, mentoring programs, and quick access to information for prospective or current students.

Café Comeniana

Café Comeniana operates during the academic year.

Opening Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Friday: 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Infocentrum Mlyny

We are here for you.

The Information Centre for University Dorms serves all residing students, prospective residents, and individuals from the external environment. The Information Centre is a place where we want to talk to you, listen to you, and provide clear answers to all your questions.

If you are unsure where to turn with a problem, or if you have any suggestions or ideas that you would like to share with us, please let us know.

Phone: 0940 602 685

Come directly to our Information Centre booth.


During the Academic Year (October 1 – June 20):
Monday – Thursday: 1:00 PM – 7:00 PM

During Summer (July 1 – August 31):
Monday – Thursday: 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM

During mass accommodation (June 21 – 30; September 1 – 30):
Monday - Friday: 7:30 AM – 2:30 PM

Atrium House lobby.

You can find the exact location of the Atrium House, Block T, on the map.