Ethics Committee of Comenius University in Bratislava
Ethics Committee of Comenius University in Bratislava (hereinafter referred to as the "Ethics Committee " or the "Committee") serves as an advisory body to the rector. It was established under the Code of Ethics of Comenius University in Bratislava (hereinafter referred to as "CU"), detailed in Part Eight of CU´s Internal Regulations, which comprise the Internal System of Quality Assurance.
The Committee´s primary role involves reviewing and addressing complaints from members of the academic community and employees of CU concerning potential breaches of the Code of Ethics. Additionally, it holds jurisdiction over matters related to sexual harassment at Comenius University in Bratislava, as outlined in the university’s internal regulation No. 30/2022, the Rector’s Directive on Handling Cases of Sexual Harassment. The Committee operates under the Rules of Procedure of the Ethics Committee of CU (Rector’s Directive No. 4/2022).
Composition of Ethics Committee of Comenius University in Bratislava
Ethics Committee of CU consists of 13 permanent members, who are appointed and dismissed by the rector from among the members of the academic community of CU, usually proposed by individual faculties of the university. For the discussion of specific cases, the rector may appoint additional members to the Ethics Committee on an ad hoc basis.
The term of office for a permanent member of the Committee is 4 years. A member of the academic community may be repeatedly appointed as a member of the Committee without any limitations.
Chairperson of Ethics Committee
doc. Mgr. Lucia Lichnerová, PhD. - FiF UK (since March 23, 2023)
Members of Ethics Committee
prof. RNDr. Ján Buček, PhD. – PriF UK (since March 1, 2022)
doc. JUDr. Branislav Fábry, PhD. – PraF UK (since March 1, 2022)
Mgr. Radoslav Hanus, PhD. – EBF UK (since March 1, 2022)
prof. Mgr. Anna Lašáková, PhD. – FM UK (since March 1, 2022)
doc. MUDr. Ľubomíra Izáková, PhD. - LF UK (since March 23, 2022)
prof. PhDr. Erich Mistrík, CSc. – PdF UK (since March 1, 2022)
prof. MUDr. Juraj Mokrý, PhD. – JLF UK (since March 1, 2022)
prof. PharmDr. Pavel Mučaji, PhD. – FaF UK (since March 1, 2022)
prof. PhDr. Zlatica Plašienková, CSc. – RUK (since March 1, 2022)
doc. Mgr. Katarína Staroňová, PhD. – FSEV UK (since March 1, 2022)
doc. RNDr. Martin Takáč, PhD. – FMFI UK (since March 1, 2022)
prof. Mgr. Erika Zemková, PhD. – FTVŠ UK (since March 1, 2022)