Rector (President of University)

Prof. JUDr. Marek Števček, DrSc.

Rector's office:
Šafárikovo námestie 6
814 99  Bratislava 1
Slovak Republic
Tel.: 421 9010 1001

Professor JUDr. Marek Števček, DrSc. was born on 20 February 1976 in Bratislava. He studied history, philosophy and law. After completing his studies at the Faculty of Law of Comenius University Bratislava in 1999, he joined the faculty's Department of Civil Law where he has been working until now. Since 2019 he is the head of the department. In addition, he has also worked as a researcher at the Institute of State and Law of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava, as well as at several other Slovak and international universities. He completed his internal post-graduate studies in the field of civil law in 2006, in 2012 he habilitated as an Associate Professor of Civil Law and in 2017 he was appointed Professor in this field. In 2022 he was awarded the highest academic rank of Doctor of Legal Sciences (DrSc.). In addition to his academic career, he is also active in applied practice. Between 2012 and 2015 he was the chairman of the Recast Commission for Civil Procedural Law. On 1 July 2015, after the recast process was successfully completed, Števček was appointed by the Minister of Justice as the chairman of the Commission for the Recast of Private Law, whose primary task was to develop a proposal of a new Slovak Civil Code. Števček’s scientific and publishing activities focus on a wide range of issues in civil law. He has published dozens of professional and research papers both domestically and abroad in periodical literature and in book form. He also devotes his time to the study of the broader aspects of legal theory, legal philosophy, and mainly logical semantics and the application of formal logic in jurisprudence. He is a member of the Educational College of the Slovak Bar Association and is on the editorial board of several professional journals. He is the recipient of several major legal and academic awards. Between 1 April 2017 and 31 January 2019, he served as the Vice-Rector of Comenius University for Legislation. Since 1 February 2023, he leads Comenius University as rector in his second term of office.