Paradigmatic Changes in the Understanding of Universe and Man from Philosophical, Theological, and Physical Perspectives
APVV project No. 18-0103
Welcome to the website of research multi-disciplinary project Paradigmatic Changes in the Understanding of Universe and Man from Philosophical, Theological, and Physical Perspectives, realized by five faculties at Comenius University in Bratislava with the financial support of Slovak Research and Development Agency (project number: APVV-18-0103).
The presented project aims to provide a comprehensive view of evolution of the Universe and Man within it in the context of interdisciplinary overlaps of philosophical, theological, and physical perspectives. Solution of the main research objective will be based on the definition of paradigmatic changes in the evolutionary process and the position of the human being within it that can be identified within the structure "from… to…" as following: from Cosmogony to Cosmology; from Point to Spacetime; from Biological to Cultural; from Human to Transhuman; from Offline Being to Online Being; from God Creator to “Playing God”. Investigation into these paradigmatic changes will result in the synthesis of knowledge that will prove whether each level of evolution is based by previous one. Nevertheless, it had not been determined absolutely since each new level of evolution has got some degree of autonomy and creativity.
Detailed information on issues, objectives and research agenda can be found here. The principial investigator is prof., PhDr. Zlatica Plašienková, PhD. and representative of principal investigator is prof. RNDr. Jozef Masarik, DrSc. Her profile and profiles of other researchers involved in the project can be found in the project staff section. During the course of the project several conferences, methodological seminars, workshops and other activities related to the project will take place. Dates and news about the events can be found in the periodically updated activities section. Academic texts are among the planned outputs as well. The outputs section will be gradually updated with their information and download links.