A Discussion with the Candidates for the Position of Comenius University Rector

5 November 2018 (Monday) at 4:30 pm, Comenius University Auditorium (6 Šafárik Square, Bratislava).

02. 11. 2018 12.44 hod.
By: CU Public Relations Office

On Monday 5 November 2018 at 4:30 pm, there will be a public discussion with the candidates for the position of Comenius University Rector in the Comenius University Auditorium.

The candidates are:

  • Professor Jozef Masarik, the current dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics (CV, priorities)
  • Professor Marek Števček of the Faculty of Law and the current Comenius University Vice-Rector for Legislation (CV, priorities)

We warmly invite you to attend!