Presidium of the AS CU

The Presidium of the AS CU is an initiative, executive and control body of the AS CU, which performs tasks related to ensuring the activities of the AS CU.

The Presidium of the AS CU consists of one representative from each faculty. By virtue of their function, the President of the AS CU and the Vice-Presidents of the AS CU are also its members. The Vice-Presidents from the employee chamber of the AS CU are also considered representatives of a faculty in the Presidium of the AS CU. The Vice-Presidents from the student chamber of the AS CU are not considered representatives of a faculty in the Presidium of the AS CU.



Members of the Presidium

President of the AS CU:

Prof. (professor) PhDr. Zlatica Plašienková, PhD. (FARS CU)

Vice-Presidents of the AS CU:

Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Mgr. Simona Kelčíková, PhD. (JFMED CU)

Mgr. Gašpar Fronc (FRCTH CU)

Mgr. Patrick Mydla (FMPH CU)

Mgr. art. Marek Mokoš (FRCTH CU)

Members of the Presidium:

Dr. Ivan Fuljer, MPH. (FMED CU)

Mgr. Radoslav Hanus, PhD. (FELTH CU)

Prof. (professor) PaedDr. Oľga Kyselovičová, PhD. (FSPORT CU)

Assoc. Prof. JUDr. Peter Lukáčka, PhD. (FLAW CU)

Assoc. Prof. PhDr. Paulína Mihaľová, PhD. (FM CU)

Assoc. Prof. Mgr. Jaroslav Nemeš, PhD. (FEDU CU)

Assoc. Prof. Mgr. Pavel Neogrády, DrSc. (FNS CU)

Assoc. Prof. RNDr. Dana Pardubská, CSc. (FMPH CU)

Prof. (professor) MSc. Emília Sičáková-Beblavá, PhD. (FSES CU)

PharmDr. Zuzana Kiliánová, PhD. (FPHARM CU)



The competence of the Presidium

The competence of the Presidium of the AS CU is regulated by Article 9 (5) of the Rules of Procedure of the AS CU.

The Presidium of the AS CU mainly

a)      carries out the control of the implementation of the resolutions of the AS CU,

b)     ensures the preparation of the AS CU meetings,

c)      before convening a regular meeting of the AS CU, it discusses the draft agenda,

d)     manages the work of AS CU commissions in the time between the AS CU meetings,

e)      Announces by-elections to the AS CU,

f)      exercises its competence in mandate matters,

g)     submits proposals for the removal of members of the AS CU,

h)     takes a position on the Rector's proposal for the establishment, merger, amalgamation, division and dissolution of faculties and other units of the CU,

i)       approves the Rector's proposal for the appointment of the Secretary of the AS CU,

j)       performs other tasks assigned to it by the AS CU.