Comenius University's double hit in the RUR Subject Rankings

Bratislava, 18 June, 2021: This week, Comenius University Bratislava achieved twofold success in a worldwide ranking. It consistently places in the top 300 - 400 world universities in Round University Ranking by subject. Yet again, it is the only Slovak university which made it.

18. 06. 2021 16.47 hod.
By: CU External Relations Office

Comenius University achieved 288th place worldwide in natural sciences, joining the Silver League, and 337th in technical sciences, putting it in the Bronze League.

RUR Subject Rankings evaluate the performance of 801+ of world’s leading higher education institutions by 6 subject areas: Life Sciences, Humanities, Medical Sciences, Natural Sciences, Technical Sciences and Social Sciences. Universities are evaluated on 20 indicators grouped into four key activities.

The ranking is published by the RUR rankings agency in cooperation with Clarivate Analytics, whose activities focus on analyses in the field of scientific and academic research published in peer-reviewed journals. The ranking is one of several world rankings which evaluate research universities.

In the overall Round University Ranking CU recently ranked 404th in the world. The Center for World University Ranking (CWUR) ranked CU 609th, THE Impact Rankings place it 301st - 400th and QS World University Rankings put it between places 651 and 700. In the Shanghai ranking, CU ranks 601st - 700th. It ranks 572nd in the prestigious Best Global Universities ranking. In the NTU Ranking (National Taiwan University Ranking), it achieved significant success in the subject of physics, placing 252nd worldwide in 2020. THE WUR rankings put CU on place 1001+.