Press releases
Election of Rector Will Take Place in May25. 02. 2022
Bratislava, 23 February 2022: During its assembly today the Academic Senate of Comenius University Bratislava (AS UK) set the date of the election of the...
Researcher helps uncover origin of one of the most popular...17. 02. 2022
Bratislava, 16 February 2022: It is one of the most frequently kept pet lizards in the world, but until recently the origin of the pet population was unclear....
Year of election: Academic Senate to determine date of...17. 02. 2022
Bratislava, 14 February 2022: Three years ago, the current management of the university convened for the first time. The Rector’s term of office is four years....
University sports come to life after the pandemic: the...10. 02. 2022
Bratislava, 8 February 2022: On this day, the opening ceremony of the 2022 Slovak Winter Universiade took place at Comenius University Bratislava. More than...
University adopts its own gender equality plan....07. 02. 2022
Bratislava, 3 February 2022: The largest Slovak university supports gender equality. On 24 January 2022, Comenius University approved a Rector's Directive,...
Scientists Discover a Perfectly Preserved Lizard from the...03. 02. 2022
Bratislava, 2 February 2022: It lived 45 million years before the famous Tyrannosaurus rex, but it looks like it was running among the trees and hunting for...
Slovak Universities: Struggle for Survival Instead of...01. 02. 2022
Bratislava, 1 February 2022: For two years, Slovak universities have been at the forefront of the fight against the pandemic, yet they enter 2022 with serious...
University prepares for the resumption of onsite teaching26. 01. 2022
Bratislava, 25 January 2022: Today, the Crisis Staff of Comenius University approved new measures which will apply during the summer semester of the 2021/2022...
Geologists: 10 Million Years Ago, Mlynská Dolina was...21. 12. 2021
Bratislava, 20 December 2021: During the Tertiary Period Mlynská dolina in Bratislava was covered by a large lake. It was inhabited by bivalve molluscs,...
Students to Compete in the Slovak Winter Universiade13. 12. 2021
Bratislava, 10 December 2021: Comenius University Bratislava organises the 2022 Slovak Winter Universiade, which is planned to take place between 7 and 11...
ENLIGHT Rectors Endorse ENLIGHT Sustainability Engagement06. 12. 2021
Bratislava, 3 December 2021: Today the nine ENLIGHT rectors endorsed a joint Sustainability Engagement on the occasion of the ENLIGHT General Meeting. Comenius...
New monitoring system will increase security at dormitories02. 12. 2021
Bratislava, 2 December 2021: A new monitoring system installed by Comenius University Bratislava at Mlyny Dormitories gives students more security. The...
iBobor competition: How to Teach Students That Computers...30. 11. 2021
Bratislava, 30 November 2021: In November the iBobor IT competition for children took place on its 15th anniversary. More than 100,000 contestants from 1,406...
Bratislava, 29 November 2021: Comenius University Bratislava pledged to support student associations by over 25,000 euros in order to promote the community...
Comenius University Seeks Ways to Open Up to the World:...26. 11. 2021
Bratislava, 26 November 2021: Comenius University Bratislava set aside nearly one quarter of a million euros annually to support thirteen postdoctoral...