36th European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) Conference

23 August 2022 at 9 AM to 27 August 2022 at 2 PM, Bratislava

28. 01. 2022 11.56 hod.
By: CU External Relations Office

The 36th Conference of the European Society for Health Psychology (EHPS) will take place in Bratislava from 23 to 27 August 2022. This conference is organized by the EHPS in cooperation with Comenius University. The organizers expect about 50 countries to participate, including Slovakia.

The European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) is a professional organisation formed to promote empirical and theoretical research in and applications of health psychology within Europe as well as the interchange of information related to health psychology with other associations throughout the world towards an international achievement of these aims. 


More information on EHPS website.

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