A Conference on August 1968
20 to 21 September 2018 (Thursday to Friday), Comenius University, 6 Šafárik Square, Bratislava
From 20 to 21 September 2018, Comenius University will host a conference entitled “August 68: Operation Danube”.
Why were our allies back then so frightened of our attempt to create socialism with a human face? Why did half a million soldiers with six thousand tanks march into a country of just 15 million people? Why did we not fight back and why did our government eventually agree with the occupation?
Answers to these questions will be provided by experts from Slovakia and abroad at an international conference called “August 68: Operation Danube” in four thematic sections: personalities, the politics of 1968, Czechoslovakia and the world in 1968, and memories. It will spread the knowledge held by older generations concerning the events of August 1968 in the former Czechoslovakia and will help younger people better understand Slovakia’s current geopolitical situation.
The Program.