At 2 pm on 14 December 2016 (Wednesday), the Comenius University Auditorium (first floor), 6 Šafárik Square, Bratislava

01. 12. 2016 08.10 hod.
By: CU Public Relations Office

At 2 pm on Wednesday 14 December 2016 there will be a ceremony for Doctors of Sciences in the Comenius University Auditorium in Bratislava which will feature the participation of the President of the Slovak Republic, Andrej Kiska.

The degree certificates will be presented by the leaders of those academic institutions whose academic boards awarded the qualification. The president of the Slovak Academy of Sciences will present fourteen Doctors of Sciences with their degree certificates, the Comenius University rector will present one degree certificate, the rector of the Slovak University of Technology will present two degree certificates, and the rector of the University of Security Management will present one degree certificate.

The Doctor of Sciences academic qualification (DrSc.) represents a high level of scholarship which has been shown in the creation of notable and scientifically original works which are important for the development of research in a particular field of inquiry or for their social application and their characterization of a distinctive scientific authority. Informally, the Doctor of Sciences is considered to be the highest academic qualification in Slovakia. The Doctor of Sciences degree certificate has traditionally been awarded during doctoral graduation ceremonies at the Slovak Academy of Sciences and at graduation ceremonies at universities alongside the degree certificates awarded to associate professors and doctoral graduates. This joint ceremony will take place at Comenius University for the second time.