What can I do when I face sexual harassment?

What can I do when I face sexual harassment?

If you have experienced or are experiencing sexual harassment, one time or repeatedly, or if you have had an unpleasant experience and are not sure whether it was sexual harassment, you can contact one of the University’s trusted persons.

CU students and employees may turn to trusted persons in the event of sexual harassment occurring on the CU campus or in connection with their studies or employment.

Trusted persons at CU offer support free of charge and regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, religion or occupation. They will support you in regard to your needs and requirements and are there for you, regardless of how you decide to proceed. You can rely on the fact that their response to each case will be non-judgmental, proactive, non-directive and respectful. That is, it will allow you to have control over what happens next.

Trusted persons can help you in the following ways:


  • discuss your situation discreetly,
  • clarify whether your unpleasant experience is indeed sexual harassment,
  • mediate psychological and legal assistance,
  • explore the options you have available,
  • write and submit a report at the CU level,
  • accompany or represent you before faculty/university bodies.

Trusted persons will help you as much as possible, though their competences have limits. Trusted persons:


  • do not investigate cases of sexual harassment,
  • are bound by generally binding legal regulations and internal university regulations in the proposal of solution options,
  • do not independently provide psychological, social or legal advice,
  • do not assist in the filing of a criminal report,
  • do not represent you before law enforcement authorities in criminal proceedings.

The principle of the work of trusted persons is to respect the wishes of the reporting persons. However, if a criminal offence is suspected, they are also subject to the reporting obligation pursuant to § 3 par. 2 of the Criminal Code.

The majority of sexual harassment cases fall under the Anti-Discrimination Act, and the reporting obligation does not apply to such cases.

Trusted persons maintain confidentiality and are obligated to maintain anonymity, except in the case of suspected criminal offences.