Study programmes fully provided in English
Undergraduate Study Programmes (Bachelor)
Biological Chemistry (Faculty of Natural Sciences)
Degree: Bachelor (Bc.)
Usual duration: 3 years
About the programme: This programme is designed to give students qualified theoretical knowledge from biology and chemistry. The biological component focuses on cell biology, microbiology, virology, genetics, molecular biology, animal and human physiology, immunology, and biotechnology. The topics in chemistry include general and inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, and biochemistry. This programme provides practical training at private research institutions.
Tuition fee: no tuition fee
Environmental Studies (Faculty of Natural Sciences)
Degree: Bachelor (Bc.)
About the programme: This three-year study programme is one of the few programmes created for the needs of the labour market. Graduates will understand the characteristics and attributes of the components of the environment, including human impacts. They will gain knowledge in interdisciplinary fields of study characterizing the basic biotic and abiotic components of the landscape and improve their knowledge in the fields of ecology, landscape ecology, biodiversity, chemistry, geochemistry, and the protection of natural resources. Attention is also given to environmental planning, sustainable development, and the risk assessment of geological hazards.
Tuition fee: no tuition fee
Central European Studies (Visegrad Studies) (Faculty of Arts)
Degree: Bachelor (Bc.)
Usual duration: 3 years
About the programme: This three-year study programme offers foreign languages studies and cross-cultural studies of the regions of Central Europe. Graduates will have mastered at least two languages of the region in both spoken and written form (with the options of Hungarian, German, Polish, Slovenian and Slovak for foreigners; the language offer changes annually depending on availability and the number of enrolled students). The students will gain a general competence in area studies, including the history and culture of the Central European region, as well as elementary theoretical and methodological knowledge of linguistics, literary and translation studies.
Tuition fee: There is no tuition fee for the EU citizens and permanent residents of EU.
Management (Faculty of Management)
Degree: Bachelor (Bc.)
Usual duration: 3 years
Tuition fee: €1,990/academic year
Management and Law (Faculty of Law, Faculty of Management)
Degree: Bachelor (Bc.)
Usual duration: 3 years
About the programme: The Faculty of Law in cooperation with the Faculty of Management, Comenius University in Bratislava, opens a new three-year Bachelor's dual-branch study programme in English - “Management and Law” which will continue to admit students in the next academic year 2024/2025.
The new Bachelor´s programme is designed for students who choose to complete their university studies in English and for foreign students who have completed secondary education and have passed the state examination at the level of school-leaving examination. The programme will offer a wide range of subjects and students will be able to choose according to their individual interests in accordance with the programme structure.
Tuition fee: 3.999 EUR (per academic year)
Number of students: max. 100
Number of ECTS: 180
Social and Work Psychology (Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences)
Degree: Bachelor (Bc.)
Usual duration: 3 years
About the programme: The programme is focused on preparing students for professional careers in areas where a background in psychology is required. Our focus is on main areas of applied psychology (work and organisational, clinical and counselling, school and educational). Our team includes full-time as well as part-time lecturers and professionals who strive to deliver state-of-heart theoretical and evidence based knowledge as well as practical experience to our students.
Tuition fee: 3000€/academic year
Graduate Study Programmes (Master)
Applied Informatics (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics)
Degree: Master
Usual duration: 2 years
About the programme: The master program on Applied Informatics follows the Bachelor study program on Applied Informatics, allowing students to focus on one of four attractive specifications: programming and design of information systems, computer graphics, artificial intelligence, and software development for education. We offer interesting elective and optional subjects in attractive areas such as graphics, bioinformatics, web technology, cognitive science, robotics and much more. Teachers at our university teach students way of thinking and the ability to learn and understand the algorithm, systems and technologies with which they meet later in commercial sphere. Broader basis thus forms a sort of added value "MATFYZ graduates" who approach to solving tasks creatively, in perspective and thorough understanding. Study program regularly supplied with articles focused on current technologies and applications so that our graduates maintain an excellent position in the labor market.
Tuition fee: €1,800/academic year
Cognitive Science (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics)
Degree: Master (Mgr.)
Usual duration: 2 years
About the programme: Cognitive science is concerned with the study of human cognition: the processes of perception, cognition, thinking, knowledge representation, learning, and decision-making, and how these processes are implemented in the brain. It is characterized by interdisciplinarity – the combined use of knowledge and methods of various participating disciplines – as well as psychology, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, linguistics, philosophy and other fields. This unique study programme is a result of a common and coordinated project of five Central European universities: University of Vienna (in collaboration with the Medical University of Vienna), University in Ljubljana, University in Zagreb, Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, and Comenius University in Bratislava. This programme is one of the few successfully developing multilateral master programmes in the Central European context. Its interdisciplinary and international character significantly increases the potential of graduates on domestic and international labour markets.
Tuition fee: €1,800/academic year
Computer Graphics and Geometry (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics)
Degree: Master (Mgr.)
Usual duration: 2 years
About the programme: This study programme is aimed in modern methods of elaboration data with help of Computer Visualization. In a broader fund, geometric structures are studied, applied to algorithms of computer geometry and graphics.
Tuition fee: €1,800/academic year
Computer Science (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics)
Degree: Master (Mgr.)
Usual duration: 2 years (3 years conversion programme)
About the programme: The Master programme in Computer science is a two-year programme. For students with background different from our bachelor programme graduates, we also offer a three-year conversion programme, where the first year is used to cover missing prerequisites. Our courses help to improve abstract thinking and flexibility, using current technologies as an illustration of general principles. The programme gives students considerable flexibility in the course selection, offering several options to specialize in different areas of computer science.
Two options (''software and information systems'' and ''theoretical computer science'') are more general with emphasis on technologies and methods, while the other two (''bioinformatics and machine learning'' and ''information security'') are more specialized. Graduates off the programme are well prepared for doctoral studies, as well as for careers in the software industry. Our alumni have successfully pursued doctoral studies at many renowned universities abroad (including Chicago U., Cornell U., EPFL Lausanne, ETH Zurich, KTH Stockholm, NTNU Trondheim, Oxford U., U. of Manchester, U. of Toronto, U. of Waterloo) or successfully pursued various career paths, including building their own businesses, working in large software companies, such as Google, Microsoft and Yahoo, as well as employment in many other companies and organizations using information and communication technologies often at intellectually demanding posts.
Tuition fee: €1,800/academic year
Environmental Physics, Renewable Energy Sources, and Meteorology and Climatology (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics)
Degree: Master (Mgr.)
Usual duration: 2 years
About the programme: Environmental physics is nowadays one of the established branches of physics which is studied at many universities throughout the world. Meteorology, as a scientific discipline studying the physical processes in the atmosphere, concentrates mainly on creating weather forecast using the outputs of mathematical models of atmospheric processes. Climatology deals with the analysis and research of the long-term atmospheric conditions based on reliable long-term measurements. Energy problem, living environment and global climate changes currently represent the key challenge for the humankind. This study programme has an interdisciplinary character lying at the border of different branches of physics and using the knowledge of other scientific branches. Besides the common background, the study allows to be specialized on environmental physics and renewable energy sources, or meteorology and climatology. The optional courses allow students to enhance their knowledge within the chosen specialization and to gain practical experience with the work in a laboratory and the field research. Graduates of the programme most typically pursue their careers in the basic and applied environmental research, in nuclear energetics (dosimetry), meteorological and hydrological services, public health institutions, state administration or private companies, both home and abroad.
Tuition fee: €1,800/academic year
Mathematics (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics)
Degree: Master (Mgr.)
Usual duration: 2 years
About the programme: The aim of the Master's degree programme in Mathematics is to produce experts with specialized skills within their own scientific discipline and an additional knowledge of related applied areas. Although the programme is designed as a continuation of the Bachelor's study programme in Mathematics at Comenius University, it is open to all eligible students from other universities. The programme is built on the three key areas of study: mathematical analysis, mathematical structures and numerical mathematics. Our graduates will gain a good orientation in key disciplines of modern mathematics. They will learn how to solve problems using results and techniques in various areas of mathematics and computer science. Their theoretical knowledge will be combined with an ability to design mathematical models and to apply the theory in other scientific fields (physics, chemistry, biology, civil engineering, electrical engineering, economics). Moreover, our graduates will develop critical and logical thinking, and an ability to acquire new knowledge and to build on it. Graduates typically find job opportunities in academic institutions in basic research, in applied research in academia or industry, in software companies, and in the financial sector. They are qualified to work anywhere where there is a need to create and apply mathematical models, to use them to seek and provide answers to relevant questions arising from applications, to design technological solutions, and to make competent decisions. Our best graduates typically continue their professional career in doctoral programmes at Slovak and foreign universities.
Tuition fee: €1,800/academic year
Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics)
Degree: Master (Mgr.)
Usual duration: 2 years
About the programme: The programe prepares highly qualified experts mainly for research in nuclear and subnuclear physics, dosimetry in nuclear power-plants, radiohygiene, environmental radioactivity control, and medical applications of ionising radiation.
Tuition fee: 1,800 €/academic year
Optics, Lasers, and Optical Spectroscopy (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics)
Degree: Master (Mgr.)
Usual duration: 2 years
About the programme: Lasers and Optical Spectroscopy constitute a foundation of several branches of today's modern technology, particularly by developing the fields of telecommunication, optoelectronics, microelectronics and nanotechnology. The students will gain experience in ultrasensitive optical spectroscopy (CRDS, CEAS and LIBS) ranging from the vacuum UV to near-IR region. This puts our graduates in advantageous position for further work in fields of the detection of trace elements, radicals and molecules in the environment, in medicine, criminology, civil defence and the detection of drugs, explosive and narcotic substances. The core of the programme consists of subjects focused on laser physics and optical spectroscopy, experimental physics and application of knowledge in other scientific disciplines. The knowledge and competencies obtained allow the graduate to apply them in conducting basic research at universities, institutes, International Laser Centre and other research centres at home and abroad. The experience gained in dealing with international and domestic projects during the study enables the students to integrate into interdisciplinary teams of both basic and applied research. This study programme is closely cooperating with the International Laser Centre in Bratislava and with the Institute of Physics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. The international recognition of our work provides opportunities for our students to apply for internships and further studies at the universities of Dijon, Lille, Strasbourg, Grenoble, Marseille, Brussels, Linz, Prague and others.
Tuition fee: €1,800/academic year
Physics of the Earth (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics)
Degree: Master (Mgr.)
Usual duration: 2 years
About the programme: This unique International Joint Master Study Programme is provided in cooperation with the University of Vienna (UW). The study programme is focused on the physical structure of the Earth’s interior and near-Earth space, physical processes in the Earth’s interior and near-Earth space, methods of measurement, methods of processing and analysis of data, methods of signal analysis, and computer programming. Courses are scheduled on two days in Bratislava and on one day in Vienna during all weeks in semester. Students apply and become students of both Universities. Graduates of the master programme are graduates of both Universities.
Tuition fee: There is no tuition fee for the EU citizens and permanent residents of EU. The tuition fee for other students is 1500 EUR at Comenius University in Bratislava plus tuition fee at UW.
Plasma Physics (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics)
Degree: Master (Mgr.)
Usual duration: 2 years
About the programme: Study programme in Plasma physics is aimed on education of students to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge based on the current state of science and technology in the fields of plasma physics, experimental physics and vacuum physics and technology. Study program aims to develop the ability of their creative application in the profession or continuing in higher education according to the doctoral programme. Graduates of the program in addition to knowledge of plasma physics receive a thorough background in electronics, optics, spectroscopy and condensed matter. This experimental base enables application not only in research (universities and research centres at home and abroad) but also directly in industrial and technological centres. Comenius University in Bratislava is the only university in Slovakia which offers this study programme.
Tuition fee: €1,500/academic year
Solid State Physics (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics)
Degree: Master (Mgr.)
Usual duration: 2 years
About the programme: Solid state physics is currently one of the most dynamical fields of physics, both in theoretical and experimental developments. It forms basis of large number of important applications, including in particular electronic devices, new progressive materials and nanotechnologies. Master’s programme in Solid State Physics offers a possibility to learn new theoretical approaches, employ state-of-the-art computer simulation methods and master experimental and diagnostic techniques. Students conducting their Master’s thesis research are involved in national and foreign projects, allowing them to work in top-equipped laboratories in Slovakia and abroad. Graduates pursue careers in basic and applied research in the Slovak Academy of Sciences and at the universities, as well as in the private sector. The graduates employed by the private companies are much appreciated not only for their knowledge of physics, but also for mathematical and computer modelling skills and experience with both theoretical and experimental work.
Tuition fee: €1,500/academic year
Theoretical Physics (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics)
Degree: Master (Mgr.)
Usual duration: 2 years
About the programme: Physics is experimental and at the same time theoretical science. The role of physicists is thus twofold - gain knowledge about the material world by designing and performing sophisticated experiments and formulate theories allowing us to understand the ever increasing amount of data and uncover new relationships therein. The two-years Master program Theoretical Physics is aimed at those who like to understand, apply and further develop modern physical theories of the world. These span from microscopic to cosmic scales and cover vast range of phenomena ranging from particle physics to condensed matter physics to cosmology. Student can focus on one of these fields and will also gain deep knowledge in mathematics, physics and programming.
Tuition fee: 1,500 €/academic year
Mathematics of Economy, Finance and Modeling (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics)
Degree: Master (Mgr.)
Usual duration: 2 years
About the programme: A graduate of the master's program Mathematical Economics, Finance and Modelling has a broad knowledge base in mathematical disciplines such as mathematical analysis, linear algebra and geometry, differential and differential equations, numerical methods, probability and statistics. In the field of modeling economic and financial processes, he has a quality education in the fields of mathematical economics, financial mathematics, risk analysis and mathematical methods in insurance. In the field of mathematical modeling, the graduate masters the methods of creating models and their mathematical-computer analysis with applications in physical, engineering and biomathematical modeling. Masters advanced optimization methods with applications in large-scale calculations and data analysis. The graduate masters at an advanced level computer work, programming and working with modern mathematical, statistical and financial software such as Python, Matlab, R, SAS and others. The content focus of diploma theses is mainly focused on the applications of mathematical and statistical methods in the field of mathematical modeling, econometrics, financial mathematics, insurance and other related fields.
Tuition fee: €1,800/academic year
Biomedical Physics (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics)
Degree: Master (Mgr.)
Usual duration: 2 years
About the programme: At the end of the master's study program in biomedical physics, the student masters special methods of physical, biomedical and frontier sciences and their applications in various areas of biomedical research and biomedical practice. He/she also masters the methods of physical examination and treatment approaches, methods of biological signal processing and medical imaging, can independently solve theoretical problems based on appropriate mathematical methods, including the creation of mathematical models, design and implement computer simulations of physical and biomedical phenomena, masters at least one programming language, as well as statistical data processing, spreadsheets, word processing, hypertext, graphical presentation and publication of results , can communicate in a foreign language at a professional level (physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, medicine).
Tuition fee: €1,800/academic year
Managerial Mathematics (Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics)
Degree: Master (Mgr.)
Usual duration: 2 years
About the programme: At the end of the master's study program in biomedical physics, the student masters special methods of physical, biomedical and frontier sciences and their applications in various areas of biomedical research and biomedical practice. He/she also masters the methods of physical examination and treatment approaches, methods of biological signal processing and medical imaging, can independently solve theoretical problems based on appropriate mathematical methods, including the creation of mathematical models, design and implement computer simulations of physical and biomedical phenomena, masters at least one programming language, as well as statistical data processing, spreadsheets, word processing, hypertext, graphical presentation and publication of results , can communicate in a foreign language at a professional level (physics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, medicine).
Tuition fee: €1,800/academic year
Law (Faculty of Law)
Degree: Master (Mgr.)
Usual duration: 2 years
About the programme: This two-year programme is focused mainly on European Union law and international law. The Master’s degree programme pursues innovation of legal education in accordance with foreign, mainly Western European models, laying emphasis on gaining practical skills through clinical education and moot courts. Graduates will be able to analytically and synthetically consider all legal fields with a theoretical, philosophical, and ethical grounding. Graduates will be able to practically apply their knowledge, especially in multinational law offices, multinational business corporations, international governmental and non-governmental organizations, and central governmental authorities. Graduates of the programme will acquire a full Master degree in Laws that allows them to enrol to any of the professional chambers in Slovakia or to practice any of the legal professions.
Tuition fee: €3,500/academic year
Number of students: max. 100
Number of ECTS: 120
European Studies (Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences)
Degree: Master (Mgr.)
Usual duration: 2 years
About the programme: The Master programme in European studies is a perfect choice for students interested in government and foreign policy and interdisciplinary research in political and social sciences. Theoretical knowledge is just the starting point; the programme is generally focused on the development of critical thinking. Another important competence is the students` ability to connect facts, events and ideas. Graduates of the programme may pursue their careers in international organisations (Council of Europe,OSCE, NATO), EU institutions, national institutions, think tanks, regional organisations, public administration, NGOs, research centres, international corporations or in academic teaching and research.
Tuition fee: €3,000/academic year
Management (Faculty of Management)
Degree: Master (Mgr.)
Usual duration: 2 years
About the programme: : The master's program provides a rigorous exploration of advanced topics in financial management, strategic management, marketing management, information systems management, business ethics, and organizational behavior. This curriculum fosters the development of a holistic understanding of the critical facets involved in corporate management. The program delineates two principal pathways for specialization: Finance & Strategy, and IT & Marketing. The applicability of managerial skills is universally acknowledged. In contemporary practice, the demand for these skills is accentuated by the increasing prevalence of automation and robotization within the industrial sector, the growth of Business Shared Services Centers, and the proliferation of international organizations within Slovakia. Graduates of this program are well-prepared for a broad spectrum of roles, including but not limited to business specialist, business analyst, company director, director of finance or human resources, sales manager, quality manager, marketing specialist or manager, process owner, consultant, and project manager. Students are afforded the opportunity to pursue individual research interests through the composition of a master's thesis. Furthermore, the program offers extensive opportunities for international exposure through the Erasmus+ mobility scheme across the European Union and Erasmus+ internships within companies, enhancing both academic and professional development.
Tuition fee: €2,490/academic year
Joint Undergraduate and Graduate Study Programmes
Dentistry (Faculty of Medicine)
Degree: Dental Medicine Doctor (MDDr.)
Usual duration: 6 years
About the programme: The Dentistry study programme is a Master level (joint 1st and 2nd degree) of university study that is designated for graduates of secondary level of education completed with a school-leaving examination. The first-year to second-year subjects provide theoretical and pre-clinical lectures, laboratories, and practical classes, while the remaining years include a diverse range of clinical experience.
Tuition fee: 13,800 €/academic year
General Medicine (Faculty of Medicine)
Degree Awarded: Doctor of General Medicine (MUDr.)
Usual Duration: 6 years of comprehensive education
About the programme: The program provides a robust foundation in medical knowledge, beginning with theoretical courses in basic sciences and progressing to clinical skills in the later years. Students are introduced to a wide spectrum of medical fields and engage in practical classes and labs to prepare for advanced specialization after graduation.
Tuition Fee: 12,200-€ per academic year, offering a cost-effective path to a medical degree.
Successful graduates will be awarded a diploma from the Faculty of Medicine at Comenius University, which is recognized throughout the European Union and in the majority of countries worldwide.
Additional Information: Graduates are well-prepared to enter postgraduate training and specialize in the field of their choice.
General Medicine (Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin)
Degree: Doctor of General Medicine (MUDr.)
Usual duration: 6 years
About the programme: This six-year programme includes theoretical education and practical training. The first three years of studies cover theoretical preparation. During the clinical teaching, students rotate through different departments at the teaching hospital. The entire sixth year is dedicated to rotations at the departments of Internal Medicine, Surgery, Paediatrics, and Obstetrics and Gynaecology in preparation for the final state examinations. Successful graduates will receive a diploma from Comenius University in Bratislava, the Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin, recognized within the whole European Union and most countries in the world. The Faculty is on the World Health Organization (WHO) Listing of Medical Faculties. Moreover, it is accredited by the ECFMG (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates, Philadelphia, USA) for the USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination).
Tuition fee: 11,500 €/academic year
Pharmacy (Faculty of Pharmacy)
Degree: Master (Mgr.)
Usual duration: 5 years
About the programme: Graduates of the five-year study programme in Pharmacy will acquire extensive knowledge and practical skills in chemical, physical, biological, medical, and particularly pharmaceutical disciplines. They understand the fate of the drug in the body, its effects and side effects, as well as the health and social aspects of taking medication. They possess high-level skills in pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutical analysis, and clinical pharmacy, as well. They acquire appropriate knowledge in the field of legal and other regulatory requirements, which they apply in practice competently.
Tuition fee: 7,500€/academic year