Ľubomír Tomáška is Outstanding Academic in Slovakia
Ľubomír Tomáška from the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Comenius University is the laureate of the ESET Science Award in the category Outstanding Academic in Slovakia. As part of his scientific activity, he reveals how individual components of the cell communicate and identifies the molecular mechanisms which maintain the integrity of the genome.
The ESET Foundation has announced its fourth annual ESET Science Award, which recognizes exceptional individuals of science and the academia. The award ceremony took place on 14 October 2022 in the building of the Slovak Philharmonic. Professor Silvia Pastoreková from the Centre of Biomedicine of the Slovak Academy of Sciences was selected as the laureate of the main category, Outstanding Scientist in Slovakia. Miroslav Almáši from the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice was voted Exceptional Scientist in Slovakia Under the Age of 35. Ľubomír Tomáška from the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Comenius University became this year's Outstanding Academic in Slovakia.
Together with Professor Jozef Nosek, he runs the lab of the Departments of Genetics and of Biochemistry at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Comenius University, where his team of researchers and students identify the mechanisms of communication between individual parts of our cells. Their main goal is to discover how DNA molecules in chromosomes, in particular their end regions (telomeres), are protected against damage that would have fatal consequences for the cell. They also study how mitochondria, the energy centres of cells, communicate with other parts of the cell.