The Senior Let’s Dance course at Comenius University

All senior citizens who love to dance and move around can be part of an interesting project run by Comenius University in Bratislava: Senior Let’s Dance. The twelve-week course run by the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of Comenius University commenced in April of this year.

19. 06. 2017 14.16 hod.
By: CU Public Relations Office

This course, which finishes on 22 June 2017, has seen eight senior citizens (five of them women) develop their abilities of movement and dance. The oldest participant is 66 years old.

The course has been under the guidance of Dr Matej Chren from the Department of Gymnastics at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of Comenius University. Every week the senior citizens have had two 60-minute training sessions (on Tuesdays and Thursday in the faculty’s dance studio). “Their aim is to acquire the basic steps and dances moves in Latin American and standard dance styles, and to, of course, improve their fitness. The dance sessions improve the overall body posture and movement coordination, and they develop joint mobility and rhythmic ability. There is also a positive effect on the circulation and respiratory systems as well as on the musculoskeletal system. In addition, there is a positive effect on cognitive ability,” explained the project coordinator, Dr Veronika Tirpáková from the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport.

Senior Let’s Dance is more than just a dance course. Before the course began, Comenius University scientists assessed the health and fitness of the seniors who have been taking part; they have been monitored for three months and will receive an evaluation following the course’s conclusion.

The senior citizens undertake physical activity under the supervision of experts, who can advise them so that they can maintain their fitness after the course has been completed.

“The Senior Let’s Dance course is another example of how research can be connected to practical life with a broad social benefit. In addition to there being a pleasant form of relaxation and fun, there is a noteworthy health aspect,” said Comenius University Rector, Professor Karol Mičieta in praise of the project.

The next course of Senior Let’s Dance will commence in September 2017 at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport.