The New Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences will be Professor Peter Fedor
On 9 November 2018 (Friday) an election was held at the Faculty of Natural Sciences at Comenius University for the position of faculty dean; Professor Peter Fedor was the successful candidate.
Of the total number of 51 members of the Faculty of Natural Sciences’ Academic Senate, 49 were present at the special senate meeting held for the purpose of the election, and therefore the necessary quorum was present for business to be conducted. As a candidate for the position of the faculty’s dean, Professor Peter Fedor was successful in the first round of voting, gaining the support of all 49 senate members present.
Professor Peter Fedor completed his master’s-level studies in 1998 in the discipline of Environmental Science at the Faculty of Natural Sciences. After completing a rigorous thesis examination in 2000, he successfully defended his doctoral thesis in 2002 in Environmental Ecology at the same faculty in partnership with Lincoln University in New Zealand. In 2005 he was made an associate professor at the faculty in the discipline of Zoology, and in 2013 he was appointed as a Professor in Environmental Ecology (Landscape Use and Preservation).
Professor Fedor will become the new dean after being appointed to the position by the Comenius University Rector once a proposal is submitted by the faculty’s Academic Senate. His term in office as dean will be from 1 February 2019 to 31 January 2023.