The Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Will Continue to be Led by Professor Vanderka

On 7 November 2018, the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of Comenius University in Bratislava re-elected Professor Marián Vanderka to the position of the faculty’s dean for a period from 1 February 2019 to 31 January 2023. Professor Vanderka has also been in this position in the current term of office.

20. 11. 2018 08.20 hod.
By: CU Public Relations Office

Professor Vanderka was the only candidate for the position of Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport. Twelve of the fifteen possible members of the Academic Senate voted for Professor Vanderka and ensured his legitimate re-election to the office of faculty dean. 

The dean currently works at the faculty’s Department of Athletics. As a competitive athlete, he participated in many athletics at Olympic and world championship level in athletics, bobsleigh, and ultimate frisbee. He was the Slovak sprinting champion many times. As a coach, he helped train national teams and Slovak champions in fitness training at the elite level in football, tennis, sports climbing, volleyball, basketball, and other sports.