The Ľ. Štúr–Mlyny Campus will have a new general manager

Bratislava, 3 October 2019: Comenius University in Bratislava has completed its selection process for the new general manager of the Ľ. Štúr–Mlyny Campus. From 1 November 2019 the new general manager will be Peter Petro.

08. 10. 2019 09.04 hod.
By: CU Public Relations Office

There were nineteen candidates for the position of general manager of the largest dormitory complex in Slovakia; of these, seven candidates met the specific requirements for the position and their profile fitted in with other employment requirements. The selection process took place on 4 September 2019, and the committee recommended that the Comenius University rector employ Peter Petro as the general manager. The committee was made up of representatives of academic authorities and trade unions, the university management, the Management Board of Comenius University, the Student Council for Higher Education, and the Foundation for Stopping Corruption (a non-governmental organization).

Peter Petro has spent his professional life leading teams in operations, business, services, maintenance, and investment. He has experience with property management, its upkeep, planning of repairs, investments, development, and modernization in the public and private sectors. His previous role was as the operations and technical deputy manager at the Faculty Hospital in Trnava.

“The improvement of the accommodation and associated services is clearly a central priority for the new university leadership. I expect that the new general manager of the dormitories will undertake resolute measures to improve the situation at the dormitories and professionally manage the difficult process of its renovation,” said Comenius University rector, Marek Števček.