Bratislava June 29, 2020: Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of Comenius University in Bratislava in cooperation with Physiko-und Rheumatherapie Institut für Physikalische Medizin St. Pölten begins to build Active Ageing Center on July 1, 2020. The objective of the project, which started on March 1, 2019 is to improve the conditions for the effective provision of preventive care and for the promotion of the health of the elderly people by implementing the latest scientific research findings into practice. The construction of the center will cost 1.5 million euros and should be completed within 13 months.

29. 06. 2020 17.00 hod.
By: CU Public Relations Office

Active Ageing Center will be presented by faculty management, university management and project leaders at the press conference on July 1, at 11:00 a.m. at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of CU (Dean's Boardroom, Nabr. arm. gen. L. Svobodu 9, Bratislava). The project's ambassadors, successful UK graduates - presenter Alena Heribanova and sports commentator and journalist Dusan Gabani will also be present.

The center is the first center of its kind in the region, providing 600-700 seniors a year the opportunity to complete coordinated programs under the supervision of qualified professionals. They will use proven scientific knowledge in the field of physical activity and physical therapy, aimed at restoring and improving physical fitness, condition and health promotion. 

The experience from the world, as well as the results of research projects from our workplace, conclusively show that the negative consequences of ageing – the increased incidence of chronic diseases and the resulting gradual deterioration of the functional abilities of individual organ systems – can very effectively be prevented or even reversed by appropriate motion intervention programs," says project supervisor, Prof. Dusan Hamar.

The Centre will also provide a space for cooperation between research institutions, health insurance companies, healthcare providers and other entities, allowing the gained information to positively influence strategic and policy decisions aimed at improving quality of life and social inclusion of seniors. 

The Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of CU is cooperating on the project with the Institute of Physical Medicine in St. Pölten, Austria. Other partners and supporters are Bratislava – the capital of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava Self-Governing Region, Trnava Self-Governing Region, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic, Vseobecna zdravotna poistovna, UNION poistovna, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Faculty of Medicine of CU, Samorin Municipal Government, municipalities – Prellenkirchen, Wolfsthal, Berg, Kittsee, Hainburg a. d. Donau; SVA – Sozialversicherungsanstalt der gewerblichen Wirtschaft, Landesstelle Niederösterreich, SVB – Sozialversicherungsanstalt der Bauern and VAEB – Versicherungsanstalt für Eisenbahnen & Bergbau. The interregional V-A cross-border cooperation program project Slovak Republic-Austria is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.