Rule of Law: The ambiguities of an unqualified human good

22. apríla o 16.15 hod., online

Pozývame Vás na ENLIGHT online prednášku Regionálnej akadémie UK. Prednášajúcim bude pán András Sajó, právnik, profesor na Stredoeurópskej univerzite, bývalý sudca a podpredseda Európskeho súdu pre ľudské práva, Člen dozornej rady spoločnosti Meta.

Obsah prednášky

This talk discusses the potential and limits of the rule of law in constitutional self-defense. As a conceptual tool, 'rule of law' is ubiquitous, wielded by many including those not committed to the capacity of constitutionalism to impose restraints on unchecked power. In a narrow reading, the rule of law not only does not halt, but may even perpetuate ruler domination. But when recognizing this inherent limitation, it may serve as a powerful tool to respond to illiberal practices of cheating.

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