Staff trainings - STT - Outgoing

Staff mobility for training (STT) is intended primarily for administrative staff at all levels (faculty, rectorate, centrally funded units) of Comenius University. However, teachers can also apply for this type of mobility.  When it comes to teaching staff, Erasmus+ department (OPE RUK) supports the types of training activity which are in accordance with the principles of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), i.e., professionalisation of university staff and improvement of their language and digital competences.

  1. Training to develop pedagogical skills / curriculum design skills,
  2. Intensive language courses for staff members,
  3. Training to develop digital competences 

The receiving organisation must be: 

  • a Programme Country HEI awarded with an ECHE, or Partner County HEI recognised by competent authorities that has signed inter-institutional agreements with their Programme Country partners before the mobility takes place, or
  • any Programme or Partner Country public or private organisation active in the labour market or in the fields of education, training, youth, research and innovation. 

General conditions

In principle, training mobility can be undertaken during the whole academic year. The prerequisite for undertaking a teaching mobility is successful accomplishment of the selection procedure at the relevant faculty of CU.

CRITERIA – Staff mobility for training (STT)  

  1. Overall objectives of the mobility
  2. Added value of the mobility (in the context of the modernisation and internationalisation strategies of the institutions involved)
  3. Expected outcomes and impact (e.g. on the professional development of the staff members at both institutions)
  4.  Number of mobilities in the previous academic year 

Duration of mobility:

From 2 days to 60 days excluding travel time. In case of mobility from Programme to Partner Countries, the duration must be from 5 days to 60 days. In both cases, the minimum days must be consecutive. To maintain fair redistribution of allocated EU funds from the National Agency for Erasmus+ programme (SAAIC) and fulfil the principle of equal opportunities for applicants from all participating faculties of CU, OPE RUK recommends applicants to plan staff mobility for training for the period of 5 to 6 days which corresponds to the duration of organised staff weeks.

You can find the current offer of organised staff weeks at the following link:

Financial support 2023/2024:

Group of countriesCountriesDaily support
1Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, third countries from region 14 (Faroe Islands, Switzerland, United Kingdom) 180 € 
2Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Netherlands, Malta, Germany, Portugal, Austria, Spain, Italy, third countries from region 13 (Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City State)160 € 
3Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Slovenia, Poland, Romania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Türkiye140 € 

Partner countries from regions 1 -12: 180 € per day

From 15th to 60th day of the mobility the grant amount is reduced to 70 % of the amount stated above.

Travel grant:

Travel allowance for the participant from Bratislava/Martin to the place of activity and back. The financial support is awarded to the participant based on the travel distance. The applicant must specify and calculate the distance between her / his place of origin and the place of the activity abroad using the official distance calculator.

Travel distanceStandard travel supportGreen travel support
0 – 99 km23 €
100 – 499 km180 €210 €
500 – 1 999 km275 €320 €
2 000 – 2 999 km360  €410 €
3 000 – 3 999 km530 €610 €
4 000 – 7 999 km820 €
8 000 km alebo viac1 500 €

Financial support 2024/2025:

SkupinaKrajinyGrant na deň
1.Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Netherlands, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Germany, Norway, Austria, Sweden, Italy190 €
2.Cyprus, Czech republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain170 €
3.Bulgaria,Croatia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey148 €

Partner countries 1-14: 190/per day

From 15th to 60th day of the mobility the grant amount is reduced to 70 % of the amount stated above.

Travel distanceGreen travelOther than green travel

10 - 99 km

56 €28 €
100 - 499 km285 €211 €
500 - 1 999 km417 €309 €
2 000 - 2 999km535 €395 €
3 000 - 3 999 km785 €580 €
4 000 - 7 999 km1 188 €1 188€
8 000 km or more1 735 €1 735 €

Green travel:

Green travel is defined as the travel that uses low-emissions means of transport for the main part of the travel, such as bus, train or car-pooling 

The amount of financial support which participant will receive = (duration of mobility x daily individual support according to the receiving country) + travel support (standard or green travel) 

Please, be aware that the financial support from EU funds may not cover all of the mobility costs. OPE RUK points out that the financial support is awarded only until the funds allocated to the relevant type of activity in the given project period are exhausted.

Mobility procedure


The possibility to apply for staff mobility for training (STT) is open for applicants for the entire duration of the relevant academic year. The applicant submits the application for staff mobility for teaching (STA) via the Mobility Online software. OPE RUK sets the rule of maximum 3 applications for the academic year. 

Online applications is available at:

Each applicant receives an email informing about the successful submission of the application. This email contains the link for getting to the workflow. After logging in, the applicant is able to fill in / update the necessary details (bank account, etc.) for the purpose of mobility administration 

Selection procedure:

The selection procedure for staff mobility for training (STT) takes place at the relevant faculty of CU. The selection committee takes into account the criteria set by OPE RUK The condition for successful selection is a profit of at least 70% of the total number of points i.e. 28 points. The responsible person at the relevant faculty will then confirm the selection of applications in the Mobility Online system. The decision of the selection committee must meet the qualitative criteria.

Selected applicants:

Staff members who have been successful in the selection process and whose applications have been formally approved can upload necessary documents into the Mobility Online system and thus continue to administrate the planned mobility. The participant can see the whole process and individual steps leading to the successful administrative completion of the mobility in the so-called workflow. The participant logs in using the link she / he received in the email announcing the selection for staff mobility for training (STT). 

Mobility administration procedure via Mobility Online (SOP)


1) Update travel dates and the way of travel: 

  • The participant updates mobility period, indicates whether she / he requests for day (s) for travel and specifies if she / he plans to use green travel,
  • The participant is allowed to adjust the mobility period (start / end date of the activity abroad), but cannot change the duration of the activity that has been already approved,
  • The travel day (s) do not count towards the activity period. 

2) Mobility Agreement – Training 

  • The participant download the document from the workflow using the link „Print Mobility Agreement“;
  • The document signed by all three parties is then uploaded into the system by the participant;
  • The staff member responsible for administration of staff mobilities at OPE RUK checks the uploaded signed document and accepts it in the system. 

3) The staff member responsible for administration of staff mobilities at OPE RUK will generate the grant agreement which then will be sent to the participant`s email address specified in the online application form.

4) The participant prints the grant agreement twice, signs both copies by hand and sends them to the Erasmus+ Programme Department (OPE RUK).

5) The Institutional Erasmus+ coordinator then formally approves the grant agreement sent by the participant.

6) After the grant agreement is signed by the institutional coordinator, the financial support is to be paid within 30 days to the participant in accordance with the conditions specified in the grant agreement.


1) The participant uploads the confirmation of stay (scan): 

  • The document does not have the prescribed form;
  • It must contain: mobility period (activity), type of activity, name of the receiving institution, stamp and signature of the responsible person at receiving institution. 

2) If the participant has undertaken a mobility with using green travel, she / he shall upload the documentation (travel tickets) confirming the specified method of transport to and from the destination of mobility,

3) The staff member responsible for administration of staff mobilities at OPE RUK checks and accepts the uploaded confirmation of stay + green travel documentation (if applicable),

4) The participant fills in the EU survey, 

  • The participant will receive the link for filling in the EU survey to the email address specified in the application form 

5) The staff member responsible for administration of staff mobilities at OPE RUK will check the submission of EU survey and administratively complete the mobility: 

  • The participant will receive an email announcing the successful completion of mobility