Before mobility


  • Consult with Department of international relations of the faculty about the dates of the selection procedure, mobility criteria, as well as the possibilities of study abroad based on the signed inter-institutional agreements. Information about agreements is also available on UK mobility portal.
  • Apply via the Mobility Online Application (you use your university login name and password - similar to AiS), application is possible only during the period when the call is open, usually from 15 December to 15 February.
  • After being accepted by the foreign university for mobility, the student fills out an electronic Online/Digital Learning Agreement for studies (OLA/DLA) in the Mobility online software - procedure for creating an OLA. OLA/DLA is signed electronically directly in Mobility online, it must be signed by 3 parties - the student, the home faculty, and the foreign university.
  • If the foreign university does not accept the Online Learning Agreement, it is possible in exceptional cases to accept the paper form of the Learning Agreement. In the case of a paper Learning agreement, it must be uploaded to the Mobility Online system after it has been signed by all parties.

When creating OLA, the student should follow the following rules:

The student is obliged to write in OLA subjects worth at least 20 ECTS credits (for 1 semester) and must bring at least 15 ECTS credits per semester from mobility to avoid sanctions.

For students who do not study a philology-oriented study, credits for a foreign language and realities can be for a maximum of 5 ECTS credits (within compulsory 15 credits).

It is not possible to study only subjects that will be recognized as optional at the home faculty. If it is not necessary to obtain any ECTS credits within the framework of studies at the home faculty, it is not possible to support mobility due to a violation of the rules of the Erasmus+ program.


Acceptance by partner university means approval (signing) of the Learning Agreement for Studies. The student further follows the instructions of the receiving university (accommodation, Welcome Week…). Erasmus Student Network can be a source of obtaining more detailed information and help in organizing the stay.

At least 6 weeks before departure, the student uploads following documents to the Mobility Online system:

  • a copy of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or commercial travel insurance. The student must be insured during the entire duration of the mobility and the insurance must be valid in the country where the student will complete the mobility. You can use any suitable travel insurance, insurance packages designed directly for Erasmus+ stays are offered by ERAPO, for example. We recommend the student take out at least the following types of insurance: liability insurance (concerns damage caused by participants) / insurance in case of accident, death, or disability / insurance in case of loss of documents or luggage / legal protection insurance.
  • academic calendar at receiving university (print screen from university website is sufficient)
  • confirmation of school attendance for the academic year of the mobility (issued by the study department - if you travel for mobility before regular enrolment, you must complete pre-enrolment at the faculty)
  • confirmation of the date of the state final exam (only final-year students with mobility in the summer semester - upload as one document in the confirmation of school attendance section)

After uploading all documents and filling in personal and other data in Mobility Online, you will receive the Grant agreement by e-mail. The student is obliged to read the agreement, print it twice and deliver both copies to Erasmus office of the rectorate (OPE). Signed agreement can be delivered to OPE by post (Oddelenie programu Erasmus+, Univerzita Komenského, Šafárikovo námestie 6, P.O.BOX 440, 814 99 Bratislava 1), or through the registry office of the faculty where you are studying, or through registry office at Šafárikovo námestie 6. After signing the agreement on behalf of univerity, OPE will send one copy to the student's address.

If a student needs a confirmation of student status abroad, she/he can download it in the Mobility Online system after signing the grant agreement.

WARNING: If the student travels without a properly concluded grant agreement (signed by the institutional coordinator of the university), she/he violates the rules of the program and cannot claim a grant.

Following recommendation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic, we recommend students to register on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for assistance in emergency situations before the mobility: REGISTRATION PAGE


The allocated grant represents net income for the student and is not subject to taxation. The maximum amount of the grant is determined by the European Commission, countries are divided into three groups, and individual rates apply to all universities in Slovakia.

The calculation of the grant for the mobility period is determined by multiplying the number of days and 1/30 of the monthly grant intended for the respective receiving country.

The grant is paid in two instalments: 90 % before the stay and 10 % after the stay. The conditions for the payment of the grant are stated in the Grant agreement concluded between the UK (represented by the institutional coordinator) and the student.

Basic grants
groupcountriesgrant per month
1Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Netherlands, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Germany, Norway, Austria, Sweden, Italy674 €
2Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain606 €
3Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey550 €
Travel distanceGreen travelOther than green travel
10 - 99 km56 €28 €
100 - 499 km285 €211 €
500 - 1 999 km417 €309 €
2 000 - 2 999km535 €395 €
3 000 - 3 999 km785 €580 €
4 000 - 7 999 km1 188 €1 188€
8 000 km alebo viac1 735 €1 735 €

The allowance for travel costs is allocated to the participant based on the distance from Bratislava/Martin to the place of activity and back.

Example for the academic year 2024/2025: A student travels to study in Poland (Krakow) for the period from 01.11.2024 - 30.04.2025 (6 months/180 days*).

The grant is calculated as follows, other than green travel: Poland belongs to 3 groups, the monthly grant is €550, €550/30 days * 180 days = €3,300 + distance 295.73km (distance up to 499km ) = €3,300 + €211 = €3,511

The grant is calculated as follows, green travel: Poland belongs to 3 groups, the monthly grant is €550, €550/30 days * 180 days = €3,300 + distance 295.73km (distance up to 499km) = €3,300 + €285 = €3,585

Green travel is defined as travel in which low-emission means of transport, such as buses or trains, are used for the main part of the journey there and back, respectively. ecological method of transport, e.g. shared journey in one car (car-pooling).

Partner countries in regions 1 - 12: 700 €/month, partner countries in regions 13 and 14: 674 €/month.

Social scholarships

Students receiving a social scholarship are entitled to an increase in the basic grant by 250 € per month. Proof for payment is a copy of the Decision on social scholarship from the current academic year, which must be uploaded to the mobility documents section in the profile of the Mobility Online system.


A student with a handicap (disability card or other handicap) is entitled to an increase for students with a lack of opportunities for long-term mobility in the amount of 250 € per month. You can find more information in the section Support for the disabled and students with a lack of opportunities (support not compatible with support for students with social scholarship).