CUSP nominated as Building of the Year 2015

11 constructions were nominated for Building of the Year 2015 and CUSP is one of them!

21. 03. 2016 11.10 hod.
By: Publicity Manager CUSP

Nationwide contest Building of the Year 2015 awards the most interesting newly built construction made in Slovakia throughout the year. The organiser is the Association for Development in Architecture and Construction Industry in Slovakia, ABF Slovakia. The 21. Awarding ceremony will take place in Bratislava on 6th of April. 

Requirements of the contest Building of the Year 2015:

  • category: buildings and civil engineering buildings, new buildings, reconstructions and renovations - all of them realized in Slovakia
  • the building need to be already done, with building inspection and certification valid between 1. 4. 2014 and 30. 11. 2015

The jury (with international attendance) will consider architectonic and urban arrangement, construction and structural solution, functionality and impact on environment, used materials and products, construction realization, ecology, energy consumption and society-wide contribution. 

Naturally, CUSP is not the only building nominated. Along with CUSP, there are: multifunctional compound City Arena in Trnava, observation tower Tokaj in Malá Tŕňa, manufacturing facility Mevis in Šamorín, water treatment plant Osuské, community care facility Dominik in Veľká Lehota, Chateau Gbeľany, outdoor swimming pool Zelená žaba in Trenčianske Teplice, second leg of Jánovce - Jablonov highway (D1), Aqua Arena in Šamorín and block of flats Tri vody Malinovo (first phase). 

More information:

Photogallery: CUSP Grand Opening