Comenius University welcomes international students

On Monday 18 September 2017, a welcoming ceremony for international students took place in the Comenius University Auditorium. The event included an address by Comenius University Vice-Rector, Professor Daniela Ostatníková; presentations by Studia Academica Slovaca, the Erasmus Student Network Slovakia, and the Comenius University accommodation facilities; and an interesting lecture by ethnologists from Comenius University’s Faculty of Arts on Slovaks as they are seen by foreigners.

19. 09. 2017 12.20 hod.
By: CU Public Relations Office

The 2017/2018 academic year at Comenius University will welcome a total of 359 international students, of whom 347 are participants in the Erasmus+ programme from 121 universities. Twelve others are attending Comenius University upon the basis of bilateral agreements with five universities.

The Erasmus+ programme participants number 158 men and 189 women. Most of them are from Spain (104), followed by Portugal (44), Italy (42), and France (34). There are also Erasmus+ participants from Turkey, Germany, Austria, Poland, Slovenia, Romania, and other countries.

One hundred and fifty-eight of them will attend classes at the Faculty of Management, alongside three students attending upon the basis of bilateral agreements, thus making a total of 161 international students. The Faculty of Medicine is welcoming 30 Erasmus+ students, the Faculty of Law is welcoming 28 students, the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences is welcoming 23 Erasmus+ students and two others on bilateral agreements, and the Faculty of Arts is welcoming 21 Erasmus+ students and three others on bilateral agreements.

Photos from the event – CU Facebook

More information on the welcoming ceremony for international students will be given in the October issue of Naša univerzita (Our University) magazine.