On 26 September 2017, the Comenius University Vice-Rector for International Relations, Professor Daniela Ostatníková, received an award at the “From Erasmus to Erasmus+” conference on behalf of Comenius University for exceptional activity and results in the implementation of European educational programmes since 1998 to 2017 from Irena Fonodová, the acting director of the Slovak Academic Association for International Cooperation, on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the Erasmus programme.

29. 09. 2017 07.25 hod.
By: CU Public Relations Office

“Achieving this award was the work of academic administrative staff who in the given years led the university and gave space to the idea of internationalization; it is also thanks to all academic and administrative staff who were a part of mobility programmes, who motivated Comenius University students to get involved, and who became a part of European projects. All of this makes Comenius University the most active tertiary institution in Slovakia in this area,” said Magdaléna Belková, the head of Comenius University’s Office of International Relations.