Comenius University students succeed in the prestigious Student Personality of Slovakia competition

On 13 December 2017, the thirteenth edition of the Student Personality of Slovakia competition announced its winners for the 2016/2017 academic year. Among those awarded were two students from Comenius University in Bratislava.

19. 12. 2017 11.14 hod.
By: CU Public Relations Office

The Student Personality of Slovakia is a nationwide competition covering all three levels of tertiary study. Its aim is to draw attention to young talent at Slovak universities and highlight their abilities, purposefulness, and success by introducing them to the wider public and giving them a platform to be successful both in Slovakia and abroad.

The event is traditionally organized by Junior Chamber International with the support of the Slovak Rectors’ Conference and the expert backing of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. An expert panel made up of academics from the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Slovak Rectors’ Conference chose from ninety nominations of students and young scientists in twelve categories.

Comenius University students were successful in two fields. In the category of Medical Sciences and Pharmacy, first place was won by Dr Lucia Stančiaková from the CU's Jessenius Faculty of Medicine in Martin for her work in helping women deal with risky pregnancies. Thanks to her research in the area of monitoring haemostasis, around 160 women have successfully given birth. This succcessful doctor has also received international recognition and has published her results in 97 works.

In the category of Natural Sciences and Chemistry, Dr Eva Viglašová from the CU's Faculty Natural Sciences won first place for her study of the sorption processes of natural sorbents.

The overall winner was Tomáš Fabšič from the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.

The event was attended by Professor Karol Mičieta, who is the Comenius University Rector and the Vice-President of the Slovak Rectors’ Conference.