The Minister of Education Awards Teachers of Comenius University

On 27 March 2018, the Minister of Education, Science, Research, and Sport of the Slovak Republic, Martina Lubyová, awarded sixty-one teachers and personalities in the field of education on all levels in recognition of Teachers’ Day. Four of those awarded were from Comenius University in Bratislava.

03. 04. 2018 08.30 hod.
By: CU Public Relations Office

The Grand Medal of St Gorazd was awarded to two teachers from our university. Associate Professor Viera Uherčíková from the Department of Algebra, Geometry, and Math Education at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics for fifty years of work at Comenius University and valuable results in educational, research, and social areas. Professor Viliam Lauko from the Faculty of Natural Sciences received a medal in memoriam for many years of active work in the Slovak commission of the International Geography Olympiad and for exceptional results in his work with talented youth. 

Dr Pavel Petrovič from the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics was awarded a Small Medal of St Gorazd for his significant, systematic, and dedicated contribution to the development of talent and to extra-curriculum student activities at primary and secondary schools in the field of robotics and informatics, and for his professional and voluntary educational work in both a Slovak and international context. 

A letter of gratitude was given to Dr Anna Bocková from the Faculty of Education for her many years of work in the Slovak commission of the International History Olympiad and for her exceptional results in the area of working with talented youth on the occasion of the tenth edition of the History Olympiad. 

In her address, Minister Lubyová emphasized the importance and mission of the teaching profession. She also said that educated people in particular are some of Slovakia’s most important assets and that this is why the work of teachers is irreplaceable. She also mentioned some prepared changes in education and the essential participation of teachers in practically applying them. “The work of teachers deserves the greatest recognition. Today’s event should just be the tip of the iceberg of respect and admiration for you here and for other teachers,” said the minister in closing.