University Ends Cooperation with Associate Professor Trizna

Bratislava, 21 April, 2023: Today, Comenius University Bratislava and its Faculty of Natural Sciences, terminated the employment of Assoc. Professor RNDr. Milan Trizna, PhD., who was detained on 19 April 2023 while accepting a bribe on the premises of the faculty. Comenius University strictly applies the principle of zero tolerance of corruption among its employees, and can no longer accept Associate Professor Trizna’s involvement in the academia.

22. 04. 2023 10.09 hod.
By: CU External Relations Office

On Wednesday, 19 April, 2023, Milan Trizna was detained and accused of accepting a bribe of 20,000 euros.

The Rector of the university, Marek Števček, provided maximum cooperation to the investigation of the case from the very beginning. "Even though the whole case makes me extremely sad - all the more so because a former Dean of our faculty is involved - I am pleased that anti-corruption mechanisms are working and the case ended very quickly with a confession. I hereby call on all our employees, suppliers and students to act immediately in case of any suspected cases of corruption by contacting law enforcement authorities, or by informing faculty or university management of such suspicions. We are developing an information campaign aimed at the entire academic community, to raise awareness of corruption and the possibilities of reporting it," said the Rector Števček.

The Academic Senate of the Faculty of Natural Sciences (FNS) commented on the situation today. "The academic senate (AS) of FNS condemns corruption and distances itself from all its forms. FNS AS expresses its full support to the Rector of CU and the Dean of FNS, and supports all of their measures leading to the protection of the university’s goodwill after the failure of an individual member of FNS staff, Assoc. Professor Milan Trizna, who was detained on 19 April 2023 while accepting a bribe. FNS AS also fully supports the statement of Comenius University issued on 19 April 2023," declared the Senate.