Comenius University Rector presents awards for top four dissertations of 2024

Bratislava, 6 November 2024: At the graduation ceremony of associate professors and graduates of doctoral studies at Comenius University Bratislava (CU), the Rector Marek Števček presented awards for the best dissertations.

11. 11. 2024 11.08 hod.
By: CU External Relations Office

Two autumn graduation ceremonies of associate professors and doctoral graduates took place on 6 November, 2024:

- 10 a.m.: Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Management, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences

- 2 p.m.: Faculty of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Pharmacy, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics

On this occasion, CU Rector Marek Števček expressed his belief that "it is the role of science and the mission of scientists to cast light among the shadows. I believe that you will persevere in following the path that you chose and will remain faithful to the ideals of science, carrying the metaphorical torch on the way towards true knowledge, which is not always easy. Let us do everything we can to return truth to knowledge and courtesy to debates and polemics. That is your role, and in that role you are often irreplaceable."

The following entries received the 2024 Rector's Prize for the best dissertation:

  1. in social sciences "Specific Learning Disorder in the Life Stories of Young Adults", by Mgr. Karin Černickaja of the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences;
  2. in humanities "Naturalistic concept of consciousness in contemporary philosophy of mind: an illusionist perspective", Mgr. Katarína Marcinčinová, PhD. of the Faculty of Arts;
  3. in medical sciences "Late toxicity in germ cell tumor treatment", MUDr. Zuzana Országhová, PhD. of the Faculty of Medicine;
  4. in natural sciences "Diversity, morphology and phylogeny of endosymbiotic ciliates of the order Clevelandellida (Ciliophora: Armophorea) in cockroaches", Mgr. Lukáč Pecina of the Faculty of Natural Sciences.

This year, the jury considered 13 entries from 7 faculties in social sciences, humanities, medicine and in natural sciences. In its deliberation the jury looked at how original the treatment of the topic of the dissertation was, what contribution the dissertation made to its field of research or development, and how its results could be used in practice.