With ENLIGHT we are shifting up a gear. In order to encourage cooperation between staff and students of our universities, ENLIGHT launches a first set of calls for joint initiatives. Read more about how you can prepare!

As of 2 April 2024, three calls will be launched:
• the ENLIGHT Incubator Grants
• ENLIGHT Thematic Networks

→ Each call targets specific types of actions.

The calls are open for teachers, researchers, students and professional staff members from all disciplines who are interested in setting up collaborative initiatives with peers from other ENLIGHT universities. Activities should be in line with the objectives and mission of ENLIGHT.

Information materials

ENLIGHT university alliance poster 

ENLIGHT Calls - general presentation

ENLIGHT Calls - poster
*click on material for download 


The aim of the call is to facilitate the organisation of joint small-scale projects, collaborative events, or workshops, while also encouraging initiatives that actively contribute to the advancement of sustainability practices and the promotion of inclusivity within our academic ecosystem. Academics, administrative staff members, PhD candidates, and students from ENLIGHT universities can apply.

The proposed initiatives involve colleagues from at least three ENLIGHT universities. Outputs (courses, events) should be open for participation of staff and students of all ENLIGHT universities. 


The maximum funding amount for one initiative is 5 000€. This funding is eligible for funding are organizational costs and mobility (travel and accommodation). Funding must be used by 31.12.2024. Each project/initiative is required to provide a one-page report by 30.11.2024

Application deadline


Contact person at CU
Ines Chrťan, ines.chrtanuniba.sk 

Eligibility criteria

• Involvement of min. 3 ENLIGHT universities (2 in case of virtual initiative)
• Institutional affiliation with an ENLIGHT university
• Alignment with ENLIGHT+ objectives


• Quality
• Feasibility
• Accessibility to the target groups

* Conformity of the proposal with the specific criteria of the CU

How to apply?

Applications must be submitted by the main applicant using the destined form.
→ Application form is available HERE
→ Full ENLIGHT+ Guidelines are available HERE
→ Please upload your completed application form (as a single .pdf file) by 31.5.2024 via: https://enlight-eu.org/index.php/university-about-us/funding/proposal-submission-form
* Please abide the max. word count. Incomplete or fragmentary forms will not be considered for selection.

Evaluation process

The evaluation is conducted by the CU. Results are communicated within 4 weeks after the application deadline

You can find complete information and frequently asked questions on the website of the ENLIGHT alliance: https://enlight-eu.org/index.php/university-about-us/funding/1072-enlight-calls-spring-2024#enlight-call

ENLIGHT Incubator Grants

The aim of the call is to stimulate the design and upscaling of joint educational initiatives across all three study cycles, in one (or more) of the 6 ENLIGHT focus areas: Health and Well-being, Digitalization, Climate Change, Energy and Circular Economy, Equity, Culture and Creativity.

Education initiatives involve colleagues from at least three ENLIGHT universities in case of physical and blended initiatives, and from at least two ENLIGHT universities in case of virtual formats.

Educational initiatives may include various formats with specific and measurable outputs and delivery dates. Examples are joint courses, blended mobility, living labs, winter/summer schools, VE (virtual exchange)/COIL (collaborative online international learning), joint minors, joint programmes, co-teaching formats for larger groups of students, but other formats are welcome.

In the framework of this 1st call around 10 education projects will be selected. A 2nd and 3rd call is planned in Spring 2025 and in Spring 2026.


A selected Incubator project will receive a max. budget of 30.000 €. This budget is eligible for funding are development of initiatives, personnel costs, purchase costs, travel costs, organization of physical meetings (venues etc.).


Projects define an own timeline, but must be completed by 30 June 2027 the latest. Each project is required to report at mid-term and deliver an end-report upon completion.

Mid-term report - template
End-report- template 

Deadline for Application


Contact persons at CU
Silvia Hlavinková, silvia.hlavinkovauniba.sk
Kateryna Yakovenko, kateryna.yakovenkouniba.sk 

Selection criteria 

• Involvement of min. 3 ENLIGHT universities (min. 2 for virtual exchange)
• Alignment with ENLIGHT’s six focus areas
• Award of Transcript of Records (ECTS credits)
• Innovative approaches in teaching and learning

Evaluation criteria

• Quality
• Feasibility
• Proposed output
• Added value

How to apply?

Applications must be submitted by the Coordinator of the educational activity using the destined form.
→ Application form is available  HERE
→ Full Incubator Grants Guidelines are available HERE
→ Please submit your completed application form (as a single .pdf file) before the deadline (30.6.2024) via: https://enlight-eu.org/index.php/university-about-us/funding/proposal-submission-form
* Please abide the max. word count. Incomplete or fragmentary forms will not be considered for selection.

Evaluation process

After screening of the eligibility criteria, the proposals will be evaluated and ranked on the basis of the above evaluation criteria by a joint selection committee consisting of representatives from all ENLIGHT universities. Results will be published by 1 November 2024.

You can find complete information and frequently asked questions on the website of the ENLIGHT alliance: https://enlight-eu.org/index.php/university-about-us/funding/1072-enlight-calls-spring-2024 

ENLIGHT Thematic Networks

The aim of the call is to stimulate the creation of interdisciplinary cooperation networks of academics from at least three ENLIGHT universities, who join forces around a specific societal relevant theme, in one (or more) of the six ENLIGHT focus areas (Health and Well-being, Digitalization, Climate Change, Energy and Circular Economy, Equity, Culture and Creativity) to develop joint challenge-driven activities in education, research and service to society.

Each ENLIGHT Thematic Network (ETN) is expected to set up an own coordination structure and become a catalyst for long-term cooperation leading to various outputs, such as joint seminars, summer courses, thematic conferences, Bachelor (BA) Master (MA) or PhD courses and programmes, co-supervision of PhDs, citizen science initiatives, mobility programmes, knowledge transfer programmes, leadership and entrepreneurship programmes, spin-off projects etc.

In the framework of this 1st call a max. total of 10 ETN will be selected. A 2nd call is planned in Spring 2025.  


A selected ETN will receive a max. budget of 150.000 €. The budget is meant to cover the coordination and activities of the ETN. Eligible for funding are personnel costs, travel costs, subsistence, costs for hosting events (conferences, seminars,..).


36 months. Selected projects are supposed to start as from 1 November 2024. Each ETN is required to report about progress and planning every 18 months. 

ETN report - template

Deadline for application


Contact person at CU
Rebeka Laučíková, opvrec.uniba.sk 

Eligibility criteria

• Involvement of min 3 ENLIGHT universities
• Alignment with ENLIGHT’s six focus areas

Evaluation criteria

• Quality and Relevance
• Network and Team composition
• Feasibility
• Expected outputs and desired impact

How to apply?

Applications must be submitted by the Coordinator of the ETN using the destined form.
→ Application form is available HERE
→ Full Incubator ETN Guidelines are available HERE
→ Please submit your completed application form (as a single .pdf file) before the deadline (30.6.2024) via: https://enlight-eu.org/index.php/university-about-us/funding/proposal-submission-form
* Please abide the max. word count. Incomplete or fragmentary forms will not be considered for selection.

Evaluation process

After a screening on formal eligibility criteria, the proposals will be evaluated and ranked on the basis of the above evaluation criteria by a joint selection committee consisting of representatives from all ENLIGHT universities. Results will be published by 1 November 2024.

You can find complete information and frequently asked questions on the website of the ENLIGHT alliance: https://enlight-eu.org/index.php/university-about-us/funding/1072-enlight-calls-spring-2024#enlight-thematic-networks

The ENLIGHT Calls for Spring 2024 are coming!

With ENLIGHT we are shifting up a gear. In order to encourage cooperation between staff and students of our universities, ENLIGHT launches a first set of calls for joint initiatives. Read more about how you can prepare!

As of 2 April 2024, three calls will be launched:
• the ENLIGHT Incubator Grants
• ENLIGHT Thematic Networks

→ Each call targets specific types of actions.

The calls are open for teachers, researchers, students and professional staff members from all disciplines who are interested in setting up collaborative initiatives with peers from other ENLIGHT universities. Activities should be in line with the objectives and mission of ENLIGHT.

5 Tips to prepare for the ENLIGHT Calls

1. Determine which call suits your initiative best

ENLIGHT Incubator Grants
- support joint future-proof education projects and stepping-stones for international learning across the six ENLIGHT focus areas: Health and Well-being, Digitalization, Climate Change, Energy and Circular Economy, Equity, Culture and Creativity
- deadline: 30.6.2024
- contacts at Comenius University: Silvia Hlavinková (silvia.hlavinkovauniba.sk), Kateryna Yakovenko (kateryna.yakovenkouniba.sk)

ENLIGHT Thematic Networks
- support interdisciplinary academic networks for developing joint challenge-based activities linking education, research and outreach across the six ENLIGHT focus areas (Health and Well-being, Digitalization, Climate Change, Energy and Circular Economy, Equity, Culture and Creativity)
- deadline: 30.6.2024
- 10 initiatives will be supported
- contact at Comenius University: Rebeka Laučíková (opvrec.uniba.sk)

- foster new emerging joint (small-scale, inclusive and/or sustainable) initiatives across disciplines
- for professional staff, students, teachers, researchers
- 3 deadlines per year: 31.5.2024,30.9.2024, 31.1.2025
- contact at Comenius University: Ines Chrťan (ines.chrtan@uniba.sk)

Full details for each call will be available from 2 April onwards via the FUNDING PAGE on the website:  https://enlight-eu.org/index.php/university-about-us/funding

2. Identify ENLIGHT partners for your initiative

- Minimum 3 partners from ENLIGHT universities are required for joint initiatives 
- For virtual exchange 2 partners are enough

You can search for partners in different ways. During this phase you can use the available ENLIGHT tools: 

• Partner Search tool
• ENLIGHT R&I Observatory 

3. Consider the budget needed for your initiative

• ENLIGHT Thematic Networks - maximum available budget per network is 150 000€ distributed among the network partners 

• ENLIGHT Incubator Grants - maximum available budget per initiative is 30 000€ distributed among the project partners

• ENLIGHT+ - maximum available budget per initiative is 5000€ 

4. Outline your concrete plans

Consider quality, feasibility, output, and added value.

5. Stay informed about the launch of the calls

You can find all the necessary information about ENLIGHT grants on the alliance's website: https://enlight-eu.org/index.php