Smart Life Summit: Digital Technologies and Top Experts in Bratislava

Next week, top experts will converge on Bratislava to discuss how innovations in technologies will affect our future and quality of life. The event is organised by the European Alliance for Innovation in cooperation with Comenius University Bratislava as the main partner, and other partners. Professor Dagmar Cagáňová, vice-dean for strategic development, projects and innovations at the Faculty of Management of Comenius University is the General Chairwoman of the Smart Life Summit. The President of the Slovak Republic, Zuzana Čaputová, accepted patronage of the 10th annual edition of the summit.

23. 10. 2023 13.31 hod.
By: CU Pubic Relations Office

The event takes place between 24 and 26 October 2023 in Bratislava and brings together over 100 top experts from 30 countries. The Smart Life Summit offers an opportunity to learn about digital developments in areas such as e-health, economy, cyber security or artificial intelligence. The summit is a forum for discussion but it also aims to connect people from academia with representatives of businesses, local government, embassies and the public to foster digital innovation and improve life in cities and regions.

One of the dignitaries invited to the conference is Professor Shafi Ahmed, known for live surgeries performed in virtual reality. The surgeon and futurist from Britain nominated for the Nobel peace prize will speak about how artificial intelligence and other cutting edge technologies are changing patient treatment.

Former commissioner of the U.S. Federal Commission for Communication Harold Furchtgott-Roth and Sanjal Goel, Director of Research at the New York State Center for Information Forensics and Assurance, will speak about the challenges introduced by artificial intelligence. The Smart Life Summit line-up of speakers also includes the visionary Pieter Van Gorp, lead developer of the GameBus platform that strives to motivate individuals and families to lead healthier lives.

Students are admitted free of charge. To book a ticket, write to number of free tickets is limited.

Learn more about the events and ticketing here.