Last call of SASPRO 2 programme

This is the last chance to apply for a grant from the SASPRO 2 programme for those Slovak scientists who work abroad and are thinking of returning to their homeland, as well as international researchers who would like to do science in Slovakia. On 1 November 2021, SAS announced the third and last call for applications. Applications have to be sumitted by 28 February 2022. The previous two calls attracted 123 scientists from all over the world.

10. 11. 2021 15.35 hod.
By: CU External Relations Office

SASPRO 2 is a joint programme of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, the Slovak University of Technology, and of Comenius University. Its objective is to bolster their research capacities by attracting researchers from excellent international institutions, to improve coordination between research and practical applications, and to promote a multidisciplinary approach to projects.

Together, these three leading science and research institutions offer 40 vacancies in various areas of research at 70 potential host organisations. Each of the two universities plans to hire 10 researchers, and the remaining 20 posts are offered at various institutes of SAS. The first call resulted in 16 offers made to individual applicants. Selection in the second call should be concluded by the end of 2021.

"Due to the limited number of posts and SASPRO 2 grants, we made eight offers to applicants interested in working for SAS. Crucially, however, we were choosing from 55 submitted applications. This shows that interest is very high and we could select the best. I trust that the last round will be equally successful and numerous applications will be received," says Pavol Šajgalík, the President of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.

"Renowned foreign scientists want to work at STU and we want them here. We filled one third of available post in the first call and I fully expect to be able to declare the SASPRO 2 project a success once both remaining calls are evaluated," adds the Rector of the Slovak Technical University, Oliver Moravčík.

"I hope that the SASPRO2 project will help our excellent researchers to return to Slovakia after accumulating experience abroad. I also hope that the call will attract international researchers who are interested in expanding their portfolio by cooperating with our experts," says the Rector of Comenius University, Marek Števček.

SASPRO 2 is open to researchers of all nationalities as long as they have a PhD. They can apply for a work stay of 12 to 36 months and work in any area of science. Once the selection of applicants to the third call has been finalised, the first researchers will begin working at their host institutions in the summer of 2022. All projects must conclude by 30 September, 2025.

SASPRO 2 is a COFUND programme of the Marie Curie Skłodowska Action under Horizon 2020, the largest EU Research and Innovation programme. For more information, including frequently asked questions, please visit SASPRO 2.