CU received the 2022 Responsible Public Procurer award

Comenius University Bratislava received the above-average rating of ‘A+, Very Responsible Public Procurer’ for its public procurement procedures in 2022. The award is presented by the TRANSPAREX portal which aims to increase the transparency of public procurement.

08. 11. 2023 10.47 hod.
By: CU External Relations Office

TRANSPAREX is a platform which collects and analyses public procurement data and this year it evaluated 4400 entities. Comenius University in Bratislava was one of the 236 public procurers that received an A+ rating. "Our rating shows that Comenius University's public procurement last year was performed in a professional manner, with emphasis on high efficiency and while respecting the rules of fair competition. You process orders significantly faster than average, and contracts are awarded to transparent and reliable suppliers," says the portal in its evaluation.

In recent years, Comenius University has introduced several new elements in its public procurement system. It was one of the first public institutions to begin using a dynamic purchasing system and an internal e-shop in 2021 to procure information and communication technologies. This system simplified things for users and saves a lot of public money. The university also attempts to apply social aspects and principles of green public procurement as much as possible and even beyond the minimum specified by law.

"The university received this distinction mainly thanks to the staff of the Central Procurement Office under the leadership of M. Dufala. I am very pleased that their detailed work received this form of recognition. Orders are procured swiftly, helping us save money not just on large projects, but in daily activities of the university." said the Rector of the University Marek Števček about the award.

In its evaluation the TRANSPAREX portal monitored indicators like savings achieved through public procurement, average duration of public procurement procedures, reliability of the public contracting authority, errors in the public procurement process, concentration of suppliers, and reputation risk to contracting authorities and suppliers.