Preventive Measures on Dec 2 2024

Today, we received the news that one of our students at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences was diagnosed with the infectious disease hepatitis, type A therefore, we inform all students, doctoral students, and employees for preventive reasons.

02. 12. 2024 14.49 hod.
By: External Relations Office CU

The Regional Public Health Office is reaching out to everyone who was in close contact with the infected person. The student does not live in the dormitory. The faculty where the infection was reported, is switching to online teaching mode; the dean's office will inform students and employees about the details. The others have not been affected by the measures yet. We however recommend paying extra attention to hygiene - above all, more frequent and thorough hand washing and disinfection, not sharing cutlery or drinking from the same bottle. As soon as you notice any symptoms, seek medical advice.

More information about the disease can be found at this website.