MS Teams as a learning tool

During these training sessions, we will focus on the Class type of Teams. You will learn how to create a virtual classroom, how to provide access to your students, and how to make use of this classroom within virtual education. We will learn how to create online lectures and how to create and upload learning materials. The second part of training is focused on creating and evaluating assignments.

Creating Team - Class type

  • Time: 1 hour
  • Participants: all Comenius University teachers who are interested in creating a virtual classroom and teaching online.
  • What this session includes: how to create your own class, invite students and create online lectures.

Assignments in MS Teams

  • Time: 1,5 hour
  • ParticipantsComenius University teachers who already have their online class created but need to populate it with materials, tasks and assignments.
  • What this session includes: how to create OneNote notebook, create tasks and assignments for students, and communicate within the class and access grades.