
For increasing quality of IT support, CePIT (IT Support Centre) began using a tool for remote access: Teamviewer.

Teamviewer provide remote access to any computer anywhere in the internet. You don’t need to install anything, only launch the application and then connect with the operator, without changing firewall settings.

Application features:

  • Remote access to computer via LAN /Internet
  • Transfer files
  • Launch application without installation

Teamviewer is safe for your privacy and we are using it only to increase quality of support for our callers.


Do I need to remember my ID code?

  • No, ID code is an identification number which is valid only for your computer. After you reopen the application, ID code will be the same but password will be changed. In short, you don’t have to remember anything, the application will provide all data needed. 

Is it possible for IT support operator to connect to your computer without your permission?

  • No, Remote access to your computer is possible only if Temaviewer on your computer is running and you already told the password for this session to the operator. After you close the application (click on the cross in right upper corner of Teamviewer application), the password becomes invalid and connection with the same attributes is impossible. Every time you launch the application, the password will be changed.

Will I see what the operator is doing on my computer?

  • Yes, you can watch via your desktop what the operator or technician does on your computer.

Do I need to make preparations before you connect to my computer?

  • Yes, if you have opened any documents or files with sensitive information, please close them. We don’t want to disrupt your privacy; we only connect to your computer to provide support.