Guides and Manuals

Guides for Comenius University applicants




candidate for studySubmission of electronic application I. degree and combined I. and II. degree - E-Application Portal

Guide to studying at university (26.1.2024)

candidate for studySubmission of electronic application level II. - E- Application PortalGuide to studying at university (14.9.2023)

candidate for study

Submission of electronic application level III. - E- Application Portal

Guide to studying at university (14.9.2023)

candidate for study

Submission of electronic application – other studies - E- Application Portal

Guide to studying at university (14.9.2023)

candidate for studyAIS - Submission of electronic application I. degree and combined I. and II. degreeManual - submission of electronic application I. degree and combined I. and II. degree (26.1.2024)
candidate for studyAIS - Submission of electronic application II. degreeManual - submission of electronic application II. degree
candidate for studyConfirmation of the return slipProcedure for confirmation of interest in studing, adding of the photo for a Student Card (6.3.2022)
candidate for studyElectronic registrationElectronic registration (31.7.2024)


For Students





student Adding new IBAN

Manual - adding new IBAN (20.10.2023)


Additional granting consent  – student

Manual - Additional granting consent  (3.6.2022)

student Electronic registration for the next part of the study Electronic registration for the next part of the study 31.7.2024)
student Enrollment of the subjects - VSES017 – universal view of AIS Manual - adding subjects to the enrollment sheet (5.10.2023)


Enrollment of the subjectManual - adding subjects to the enrollment sheet (20.9.2023)


Subject evaluation registration - VSES017 - universal view

Manual - subject evaluation registration (26.1.2024) 

student Subject evaluation registration - student view Manual - subject evaluation registration (26.1.2024)
student Subject evaluation registration - VSES333 Manual - subject evaluation registration (26.1.2024)
studentRegistration for the state examination - student portal Manual - registration for the state examination date (30.10.2023)
studentSchedule registration - universal view of AIS Manual - schedule registration (20.10.2023)
studentSchedule registration - student portal


Manual - schedule registration (20.10.2023)


graduateRegistration at the study celebration - VSES017  Manual - registration at the study celebration (27.5.2024)

For Teachers





Exams and assessment - new teacher's portal

Easy to follow flyer using the new teacher's portal


teacher  Scientific/artistic-pedagogical characteristics of a personPictorial instructions on how to fill out VUPCH in AIS
teacherOutput of creative  activity  Pictorial instructions on how to fill out ChSo in AIS