Additional available information resources

... resources are continuously updated

In addition to licensed information resources that require remote access (instructions can be obtained at:, we want to draw your attention to the following freely available resources (either within Open Access or as providers' contribution to help with the COVID-19 pandemic situation).

  • Czech digital mathematic library -  the website offering an open access to the metadata and fulltext of mathematical journals, proceedings and books published throughout history in the Czech lands.
  • Elportál - e-books of authors of Masarykovej University in Brno
  • projekt Gutenberg - volunteer effort to digitize and archive cultural works providing more than 60.000 e-books
  • DOAJ - community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals
  • GoogleBooks - service from Google Inc. that searches the full text of books and magazines that Google has scanned, converted to text using optical character recognition, and stored in its digital database (access to some parts of digitized documents could be limited due to copyright law)
  • In response to spread of COVID-19 several publishers have provided free access to all coronavirus-related scientific and scientific articles for medical professionals, scientists and the general public (aib summary).
  • COVID-19 from Accucoms - free access to scientific articles on coronavirus research.

<output>Digitálna knižnica Univerzitnej knižnice v Bratislave sprístupňuje periodiká, staré tlače, hudobniny, rukopisy a monografie, ale úplná dostupnosť plného textu je v prípade novodobých diel obmedzená ochranou autorských práv.